Read more about the article Quick Tiny Sketch of the Day Challenge
Day 3 - MGBGT Roadster

Quick Tiny Sketch of the Day Challenge

This Summer seems to be all about taking on little art challenges! As well as the Tiny Print Tuesday Challenge, and the International Nature Journaling Week that I took part in, I have also joined the lovely Don's (@the.curious.sketcher on instagram) tiny sketch challenge for July. I am really enjoying…

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Tiny Print Tuesday Printmaking Project: Cloud

Following on from my post last week where I introduced my printmaking project - taking part in the weekly tiny print tuesday hashtag on instagram by Flintcat, I managed to create another print for this week, and thought I would share it here. Because I love journaling, I thought it…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Printmaking: How to get Started

I got into printmaking last Autumn when I enrolled on a course to learn more about different printmaking techniques. It is such a wonderful art form, and the more you dive in, the deeper and deeper you can go - it's such a massively huge area, spanning centuries and continents!…

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Read more about the article Nature Journaling in June – Week 3 and 4
June Nature Journal Spread

Nature Journaling in June – Week 3 and 4

June has seen another couple of weeks of warm sunny weather, with a brief thunderstorm thrown in halfway through! I've not sketched in my nature journal every day, but have tried to keep it up as much as possible. It is good to remind myself that I don't have to…

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Read more about the article Tiny Print Tuesday Printmaking Project: Robot
Tiny Print Tuesday - Robot

Tiny Print Tuesday Printmaking Project: Robot

One of my goals this year, is to have printmaking become a regular part of my creative practice. Having been on a course last year to learn all about printmaking techniques, I learned so much and was excited to put it into practice and push myself further. However, life seems…

  • Post category:Printmaking
  • Post comments:2 Comments
  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Consolidating my Journals and Sketchbooks into two Traveler’s Notebooks

After five years of sketching and on and off bullet journaling for even longer, it is time for a review of my system. I seem to be constantly carrying around way too many notebooks and sketchbooks! They clutter my desk, the coffee table, the kitchen table, my car - wherever…

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