What an amazing response Nikki and I have had to our Farmvember challenge! So many amazing artists taking part, we are so overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm the challenge is receiving!
Here are week two’s sketches:

Day 6 – Calves: This was a fun one, I used a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen with grey ink to quickly and loosely draw the lines, then painted in the dark areas with my Graphitint, then popped in a little yellow neocolor for the ear tags. I really love this style, and hope to try and do this more, perhaps even making some original paintings for gifts (or even sell?!).

This sketch did not go to plan, but I am trying to experiment and try different techniques. I first added some white wax crayon to keep some pf the page white for the sheep and the clouds. Then I painted over the green grass and blue/grey sky. Once that was dry, I added some colour pencil lines for the grass, fence, sheep and clouds. Overall, I feel the sketch lacks something – perhaps contrast?

I was really happy with the tractor! I painted the basic shapes and colours in with graphite watercolours, then added the line, loosely with my favourite fountain pen (TWSI Eco and SketchInk Lily)

Another fun sketch, and a bit of a mess, but I kind of liked the effect anyway! Another sketch where I painted first and added the line after.

Another one I was not overly happy with. I was trying to replicate the calves sketch, using brush pen, however I did the paint first, so perhaps that’s why it was not so successful. I think it is too busy, and needed more white space to breath.

Another loose sketch – I opted to put the linework in first. I try to work quickly, and use a continuous line as much as possible to keep it loose. The I added the paint, and a little splatter!
Here is a little video of me sketching day 11 🙂
So, onto the next week! Thank you for reading 🙂