Sometimes I like to do a sketch first thing in the morning, with my first coffee of the day. I think it is a nice way to wake up, rather than checking in on emails or social media, and I also think the brain is not awake enough to overthink what to sketch or worry too much about the result.
This is usually a weekend luxury as there is never any time to do this Ona school run morning, but it is the Easter holidays, and the boys are busy playing Minecraft, so why not?!
I haven’t done a sketch of Ruby in a while, and she was very considerately just sat snoozing on the sofa opposite me, so that seemed like the perfect subject.
I started with the ink sketch, while the blind was down in the window, but opened it on my way to pour another coffee. Once back with a fresh cup, I started painting, being careful to try and leave some white of the page for the suns highlights. I felt the outside greenery may have distracted, so I just left the lines of the blind from the ink sketch with no colour 🙂
A nice reminder to try and make more of an effort to sketch things from my everyday life 🙂